WoW SoD, Phase 6.

Rogue DPS Compendium

The Rogue DPS Compendium is the collective work of the community, based on simulations, log analysis, and many smart folks. The primary goal of this tool is to help educate Rogues of all skill levels and elevate their performance in a raid environment for Season of Discovery.

The "💦" icon emphasizes a sweaty tip that most players won't bother with, but may improve your performance if it meshes with your raid environment.

Talents & Gear

For more detailed comparison data, refer to the P6 Rogue DPS Sims spreadsheet.


Leveling options as you progress your Rogue from 1-60.

Best in Slot

Simulations for the larger, more casual crowd at 90s. These are very attainable, do not require any professions or pre-pulls and are more forgiving to mistakes in gameplay with average kill times.

Mutilate (Cttc)
6165 DPS

Sweaty BEst In Slot 💦

Simulations for the smaller, more hardcore crowd at 60s. These requires strict planning, best professions, full consume coverage, near perfect performance with pre-pulls, and fast kill times.

Improved Expose Armor

Simulations with sweaty configurations at 60s, but can be used for more casual players as well, when performing the IEA role.

Mutilate (CttC)
6489 DPS



Rogue Tips

Learn How To Sim

With the fresh Classic experience, we are evolving away from a world of spreadsheets into a brave, new world and the ability to leverage the Classic WoWSims tool for a far more accessible way to help Rogues determine which gear is an upgrade for them and how to optimize their performance.

Learning how to sim yourself is something that might seem intimidating, but it’s genuinely not that complicated. Do yourself a favor and learn how to sim. You’re more than welcome to ask questions on the Rogue Classic Discord.

Expose Armor

A single Rogue per raid being assigned to IEA duty is very common and benefits the raid greatly. As such, it’s important you understand how it works. While running IEA is a personal DPS loss for you, the damage gained from the raid will outweigh your lost damage in a vast majority of situations. Listed are the major points you should understand when on IEA duty to perform your role well.

Expose Armor vs Sunder Armor is a contentious topic, but it really shouldn’t be. Rogues’ Improved Expose Armor is objectively a better raid utility than Warriors’ Sunder Armor and should always be a priority, especially given the Warrior meta of Classic WoW.

  • When talented 2/2 into Improved Expose Armor, the armor reduction is raised from 1,700 to 2,550. For comparison, Warrior’s Sunder Armor only reduces armor by 2,250.

  • If manually casting Expose Armor (Mutilate & Saber Slash), you must only cast at 5 CP for its full effectiveness.

  • Priority order for the IEA Rogue should be:

    • Apply Sebacious Poison as first cast on pull via Poisoned Knife (If Muti/SSL, you’ll weapon swap on pull - use this macro).

    • If Backstab, just watch the debuff and PK if it’s about to fall off.

    • If Muti/SSL, apply a 5CP Expose Armor before the Sebacious falls off and maintain for the rest of the fight.


You can view all Comfy’s archived Macros on Wago.


You can view all Comfy’s archived WeakAuras on Wago.


What is the optimal rotation for my spec?

There are a couple different ways to better understand your optimal rotation; both of which you can view in the spec links above. First, you can review the “Rotation” tab. This shows your APL (Action Priority List), which executes top to bottom for priority. If an action meets the conditions, it executes and returns to to the top of the list again. If it fails, it checks the next action. The second way is to press “Simulate” and review the “Results” -> “Timeline” tab. This view shows the entire fight timeline and where each ability was cast.

Which professions are BiS?

Phase 6 brought some changes which made most of the useful raid consumables no longer require having their profession, so you could send them from an alt or buy on the Auction House. That said, the only profession which adds proprietary damage output is Engineering, as you can still use the [Goblin Sapper Charge] (after a 1 minute cooldown from [The Fumigator]), which still requires Engineering to use.

How do you get Pre-Pull combo Points?

By leveraging the Honor Among Thieves head rune, you can target the boss before engaging and either build CP on the trash pack before or you can move a healer into your party and ask them to spam rank 1 heals until you have 5CP. If you don’t run HAT in your spec, swap the rune back to your desired rune. Do not change/drop your boss target, as you’ll lose your CP.

If Saber Slash is so good, why not use it?

While Saber Slash (SSL) simulates extremely strong, due to its ability to snapshot both poisons and bleeds, the reality is that its damage profile does not align well with the encounters in Temple of Ahn’Qiraj due to target swaps and downtime. There are a couple bosses where SSL will perform well with single target and high uptime, but Mutilate and Backstab are much higher recommended this phase.

Raid Leader tells me I need to run Improved Expose Armor??

Yes, one Rogue in the raid should run IEA, as the armor reduction is higher than any other class in the game. Warrior’s Sunder Armor and Priest’s Homunculi reduce armor by 2250 whereas a Rogue’s Improved Expose Armor reduces armor by 2550. This may not seem like much, but can have a substantial impact on overall raid DPS.

Does spell power affect poisons?

No, spell power ONLY affects the damage done by [Dragonbreath Chili] and is only generally focused on increasing by Rogues who are attempting to be sweaty at the high end of competitive parsing.

Temple of Ahn’Qiraj

The added optional difficulty and corresponding additional loot comes in form of a new system which provides the raid with a certain threshold of allowed deaths, increasing after each boss is killed, and an added mechanic to deal with for each boss every 30s after engaging. The goal is to defeat as many bosses as you can without depleting your allowed deaths, with thresholds at certain bosses for protecting loot rewards to some degree. You interact with the obelisk before every boss to activate and can opt to ring a gong with 5 players to end the challenge and redeem your accumulated loot. Raids can opt to do the raid normally and avoid any additional challenge with no extra loot. Can your raid clear through C’Thun without depleting all your deaths for a bunch of extra shiny loot? Good luck raiders!

The Prophet Skeram

Single Phase

  • If assigned, interrupt every Arcane Explosion.

  • During the mind control, leverage CC and avoid using AOE.

  • Boss summons two clones at 75%, 50%, and 25%.

    • Split to your assigned side, DPS down, then back to boss.

    • These use the same abilities as boss, react accordingly.

  • Boss will teleport during fight, after which threat resets - play smart.

Hard Mode

The Prophet Skeram

Silithid Royalty

After killing any of the three bosses, the remaining alive bosses recover to 100% HP. In SoD, loot no longer varies based on which boss you kill last. Any damage done to bosses prior to them healing to 100% is excluded from parsing logs.

Phase 1 - Kill Yauj

Phase 2 - Kill Kri

  • Boss cleaves, just burn it down.

  • Just before boss dies, run away to avoid eating poison cloud upon its death.

Phase 3 - Kill Vem

Hard Mode

Battleguard Sartura

Single Phase

  • CC adds and cleave down ASAP.

  • They knock back, so leverage a [Limited Invulnerability Potion] once CC wears for better uptime.

  • Boss cleaves with an armor debuff - keep distance from Tank.

  • Boss will drop threat and charge a player throughout the fight. Adjust accordingly.

  • Boss will Whirlwind doing a lot of damage. Just step out and wait.

Hard Mode

Battleguard Sartura

Fankriss the Unyielding

Single Phase

  • Cleave down the adds, priority on Spawn of Fankriss.

    • Ensure Off-Tank has aggro and adds grouped up.

    • Damage done to Vekniss Hatchlings is excluded from parsing logs.

  • Save Sprint for the chance you’re pulled to wall with Entangle.

Hard Mode

Fankriss the Unyielding


Shatter Phase

Add Phase

  • Run to the perimeter of the room and cleave down as many adds as possible, as this contributes to the damage done to the boss.

  • After this phase ends, your raid may opt to either burn the boss down or force another Shatter Phase. React accordingly, based on your raid’s strategy.

Hard Mode


Princess Huhuran

Single Phase

Hard Mode

  • Curse of Decay reduces player health by 9%.

    • If you choose to continue the Hard Modes, this curse will persist during all remaining bosses.

Princess Huhuran

Twin Emperors

Single Phase

  • Bosses will teleport, swapping positions, and drop threat.

    • Most raids will have melee following Vek’nilash around.

    • Some raids may opt to have melee stay put and swap to Vek’lor, healing through the AOE damage. If you do this, ensure to have your back against a wall for the knockback or leverage Shadowstep. 💦

  • Prioritize killing bugs and help killing eye stalks when transitioning after boss teleports.

    • Some bugs will explode throughout the encounter. They grow large, then explode 3s later. Stay away from those.

Hard Mode

  • Curse of Madness will spawn eye stalks around the room.

    • Ranged should mostly handle these, but you should help interrupt and kill when nearby.

Twin Emperors


Burn Phase

Burrow Phase

  • Spread out and kill adds as they spawn.

  • Avoid the burrowing boss, as you’ll take damage if caught in its path.

  • To end this phase, boss will emerge and spawn adds. Gather back up in position and cleave down the adds.

Hard Mode

  • Curse of Madness spawns an eye of C’Thun which does damage and casts a fear. Turn away from the eye to avoid.



Phase 1

  • Pre-pot a [Greater Shadow Protection Potion] and [Greater Nature Protection Potion].

    • Refreshing GSPP on cooldown is a good idea.

  • Save cooldowns for Stomach.

  • Spread around the boss into pairs to help reduce Eye Beam damage.

  • Kill Eye Tentacles as they spawn and Claw Tentacles after they’re tanked.

  • When Dark Glare is cast, boss will turn red and rotates a red beam around the room 180 degrees. Rotate with your partner to avoid the beam.

Phase 2

  • Boss goes immune, you should prioritize killing adds.

    • Add priority = Small Eyes > Giant Claw after it’s tanked.

    • Continue interrupting Mind Flay from Eyes.

    • Avoid Giant Eyes, as they stun.

  • If Devoured, boss will send you into his stomach.

    • Once inside, kill both Flesh Tentacles inside, which will make the boss vulnerable for a period of time.

    • Prior to kill the final Flesh Tentacle, coordinate with raid up top that adds are cleared and they’re ready to blast. This will improve boss damage considerably. 💦

    • You’ll want to leave the stomach around 10 stacks of Digestive Acid, by standing on the center of the platform between the two tentacles.

    • Popping another [Greater Nature Protection Potion] might save your life while devoured, if your healers do bad things.

  • During its vulnerability phases, make sure you’re optimizing uptime and damage output, as this will be the primary means of damaging the boss.

Hard Mode




  • Happy New Year! Slight adjustments to boss strategies for minor improvements.


  • Initial P6 Rogue DPS Compendium launched. A bit late on this one, but prepping for P7 and figured it was worth going ahead and making.